The number one question people ask when they see how much I save is: Where do you find all the coupons? It’s really not a secret. They’re everywhere! Once you start paying attention, you’ll be amazed at the number and variety of coupons available.
Newspaper Inserts
The best place to find coupons is in the Sunday paper. There are three different inserts that come out on a regular basis: Smart Source (SS), Red Plum (RP) and Procter & Gamble (PG).You’ll want to get your hands on four to six copies of each of these coupons inserts. Sound a bit bizarre?? The way to save money is to buy multiple products when they’re at rock bottom prices. Getting more than one newspaper allows you to do just that.
The most conventional way to get the Sunday paper is through a subscription. The first step to finding a subscription is to call your local paper’s circulation department and ask the following questions: Which of the three coupon inserts does your paper carry? Do you offer a Sunday-only or weekend-only subscription? Do you offer any discount if I order multiple copies of your Sunday paper?
As a general rule, if you can get a Sunday or weekend-only subscription for under $2 per week per paper, that’s a pretty good deal. You can also pick up the Sunday paper at most stores for around $3.
You can purchase whole inserts online from services like The Coupon Clippers or Coupons and Things by Dede.
Want the coupon inserts but don’t want to pay? Less conventional methods are just as effective. Ask friends, neighbors or co-workers to save their coupons for you. Talk to local business owners or convenience stores and ask if you can have their unsold papers at the end of the week. You can also try your hand (or feet!) at dumpster diving in a newspaper-only recycle bin!
Printable Coupons
Printing coupons from your home computer is safe, free and easy! The first time you print from any source, you’ll be required to download quick and safe software so that you can print securely from home. After the software is installed, printing coupons is just a click away! Remember, it’s illegal to photocopy coupons!
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